Why is it that whenever there is a tragedy like this gun control advocates start crawling out of the wood work want to restrict the rights of law abiding citizens? Explain that? Instead of calling for my gun control how about enforcing the existing laws already on the books? I was watching the news and in it's pathetic coverage of the shooting they once again showed their ignorance by referring to the AR-15 as an assault rifle. That is laughable. I as a law abiding citizen can't own an assault rifle, that's against the law. The AR-15 is an Armolite Rifle named after the company that first designed them. They were designed to look like the rifles that soldiers carried while serving. Nothing more. The AR-15 has two positions fire and safe, the m-16 has semi, auto, and safe. A different concept. You can only fire one round at a time with the AR-15, period. Again why do you want to restrict my rights as a law abiding citizen because some nut with a gun shoots up a school? What part of shall not be infringed from the second amendment don't you understand? Reread our constitution and bill of rights and educate your self.