My teddy bear really misbehaved last night

Lawrence Edward Hinchee
2 min readMay 6, 2022

This morning I woke up cold. I felt around for my blankets and they were gone. I looked for my teddy bear and he was gone as well. I found both my teddy bear and blankets going up and down the aisles in between the beds and my teddy bear laughing. He was shouting as he was running “catch me if you can.” I finally caught him and took my blankets and him back to bed as he blew raspberries at me. I swear this one has evil in him.

Most of the time teddy bears are cute and cuddly and this one has been for the most part. Last night he also got into my Haribo water melon candy and spilled the whole bag on the floor. He spilled all of my bubble gum and chips on the floor. I had to give him a bath this morning because he took all of my kool-aid juices and spilled them on the himself and the floor.

He took an entire six pack of diet dr. pepper and spilled them on the floor as well. He was caught stealing another patrons marijuana. He started eating the marijuana. He was really high by now and took off towards the exit of the building before security cut him off. He dumped a bottle of Jim Beam on the floor that belonged to my neighbor. I had finally lassoed him and tied him down in our bed. By this time he is yelling cuss words at me. Finally staff came over and asked if there was a problem. I said “no.”

He almost got both of us kicked out of the shelter. This morning I got out the blueberry muffins to give him one, he ate the entire container. He ate four muffins and almost chocked to death. He refused water or any type of drink. I had to force him to put some clothes on as he was totally nude.

After all of this misbehavior he asked if he could drive the city bus. I said no, remember you are barred from riding the bus. You stole the last one and wrecked it. He said “oh yes, I remember what a rush.”

Despite all of this I still love him and I think I will keep him.



Lawrence Edward Hinchee

I am a published author. Book Titled Silent Cries A Memoir. I am a writer, photographer and author. I write under the pen name Brent Seheult. I also read a lot