I support abortion the case of rape, incest and the life of the mother is in jeopardy.
Let's follow this little scenario. A woman is in labor on the way to the hospital. The expectant parents are in a car accident. The fetus (because it's not polically correct to call it a bay) is killed. It never took a breath. You live in a state where that baby had no rights until after it was born and there are states like that Colorado is one. The baby actually has to take a breath before it is considered a human being. I take issue with that because where is the justce for that family? Every time it is put on the ballot abortion rights advocates comes to Colorado and says they are trying to take away your right to an abortion. No they are trying to make it to where prosecutors can actually prosecute some of these people. Or how insane was this idea? Some states proposed letting moom and baby be comfortable for seveal hours and if mom doesn't want to keep her full rwem baby kill it. That's murder is it not? Some democrats have stepped off the train of common sense staright to looney land.
I am not criticizing one part over the other, but think about it. I am unvaccinated and have had covid. It didn't kill me, but I am suffering long term effects of covid. Every woman in America is pissed about this supposed ruling. I want to know who leaked it? That is the person who should be losing their jobs. If you don't want to get pregnant use protection or don't have sex at all. That's my solution to the problem